Tuesday 12 April 2016

What NOT to do during a fire outbreak

Fires can happen when we least expect it, due to negligence or natural hazards. Following the right procedures during an outbreak can potentially save your life and those around you, just like making mistakes can put your life in tremendous danger – causing you not perhaps not make it out alive.

In order to avoid making mistakes, here are a few things NOT to do during a fire outbreak:

1. Use an elevator:
Most individuals know this, but some don’t. Never use an elevator during a fire outbreak as the elevator may get stuck, trapping you inside. It could seem like the quickest option to get to ground level, but use the stairs instead. It’ll take longer but you’ll be safer and avoid the risk of getting stuck.

2. Break windows:
Breaking or opening windows will most likely draw smoke into the room you’re occupying, causing smoke inhalation which is extremely dangerous for your health and wellbeing. Try to keep windows closed at all times and evacuate as quickly as possible.

3. Open doors:
Unless the passage way is clear of fire and you’re planning on escaping through that particular door, keep the door closed to prevent fire and smoke from entering the room. Place a wet towel under the door the prevent smoke from entering.

4. Panic:
The last thing you should do is panic. It may be tough, but your decision-making skills will be better, allowing you to make responsible decisions. The best thing you can do is to remain calm and think before making any sudden movements or quick decisions without thinking of the consequences. It could save your life.

5. Stand up straight:
Prevent smoke inhalation by staying low to the ground and crawl underneath the smoke to exit the building. Smoke inhalation could prevent you from being able to escape a fire safely.

If you have adequate fire protection components installed such as fire sprinklers, it could save your life or save you time to exit a burning building. Always ensure those fire protection components receive regular maintenance to make sure they work properly; not only to save lives, but protect your assets as well.

Sources: https//engineering.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/QuickActionSheet_TrappedIndoorsduringaFire.pdf

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